Misbah youth volunteers pack 450+ kits

Young members of the female leadership program Misbah recently joined us for a packing event where they assembled more than 450 Essential Hygiene Kits!

Our young Misbah volunteers had some reflections to share based on this experience:

“ I felt grateful that I had most of these things and was able to help people that needed them too. “

“Every item here is a blessing. A blessing we don’t realize and often take for granted. At times we don’t think about them or the fact we have such easy access to them.”

“It humbled me to know we packed 450 bags that will impact 450 lives! “

THANK YOU to our amazing youth volunteers from Misbah, their adult facilitators, and our awesome Essentials First staff for working together to make a difference.


Over $93k raised for hygiene essentials!!


MCRC and Essentials First partner to distribute 112,500 pounds of culturally appropriate food