Community Kits Program highlight - the numbers are in!

With your ongoing support, we have reached nearly as many households in the first half of 2024 as we did in ALL of 2023! Check out the numbers below from the Community Kits Program so far this year.

Community Kits Program Service Numbers January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024


1,948 total households served

6,823 total individuals served

2,852 of individuals served are under 18 years of age

988 or 51% of households served report being unemployed

211 or 11% of households served report being unhoused

615 or 32% of households served report being refugees

371 or 19% of households served report having at least one disabled household member



1,956 Essential Hygiene Kits distributed by Essentials First staff at our four walk-in locations (Bellevue, Kent, Seattle, Redmond)

995 Essential Hygiene Kits distributed by community partners

250 Street Kits distributed by community partners

1,050 Street Kits distributed by Essentials First staff and volunteers while tabling at community resource and outreach events


Community Kits program changes


Katie Folkman and the Essentials First Beanie (Hats) Project